On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 04:01 -0800, "Hamid Vahedi" <hvb...@yahoo.com>
> Hi Peter
> Thanks a lot for reply. Actually I need real time indexing and query at
> the same 
> time. 

What do you mean by real time? The answer to that is going to heavily
influence your architecture and the amount of effort you are going to
have to put in.

If you can accept a five minute lead time, then you're not going to have
too much difficulty. If you want it to be, say less than 1 minute, then
you're likely going to have to investigate the near real time stuff in
newer (unreleased) Solr/Lucene.

> Here  told: 
> "You  can run multiple Solr instances in separate JVMs, with both having 
> their 
> solr.xml configured to use the same index folder."
> Now
> Q1: I'm using Tomcat now, Could you please tell me how to have separate
> JVMs 
> with Tomcat? 
> Q2:What should  I set for LockType?

Sounds dangerous to me, as Lucene assumes it has complete control over
its files. Unless there's a specific way to set up a 'read only' solr?


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