
we're just planning to move from our replicated single index setup to
a replicated setup with multiple cores.
We're going to start with 2 cores, but the number of cores may
change/increase over time.

Our replication is still based on scripts/rsync, and I'm wondering if
it's worth moving to java based replication.
AFAICS the main advantage is simplicity, as with scripts based
replication our operations team would have to maintain rsync daemons /
cron jobs for each core.
Therefore my own preference would be to drop scripts and chose the
java based replication.

I'd just wanted to ask for experiences with the one or another in a
multicore setup. What do you say?

Another question is regarding spellchecker replication. I know there's
#SOLR-433 "MultiCore and SpellChecker replication" [1]. Based on the
status of this feature request I'd asume that the normal procedure of
keeping the spellchecker index up2date would be running a cron job on
each node/slave that updates the spellchecker.
Is that right?

And a final one: are there other things we should be aware of / keep
in mind when planning the migration to multiple cores?
(Ok, I'm risking to get "ask specific questions!" as an answer, but
perhaps s.o. has interesting, related stories to tell  :-))

Thanx in advance,

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-433

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