On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : #SOLR-433 "MultiCore and SpellChecker replication" [1]. Based on the
> : status of this feature request I'd asume that the normal procedure of
> : keeping the spellchecker index up2date would be running a cron job on
> : each node/slave that updates the spellchecker.
> : Is that right?
> i'm not 100% certain, but i suspect a lot of people just build the
> spellcheck dictionaries on the slave machines (redundently) using
> buildOnCommit....
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent#Building_on_Commits

Ok, also a good option. Though, for us this is not that perfect
because we have 4 different spellcheckers configured so that this
would eat some cpu that we'd prefer to have left for searching.
I think what would be desirable (in our case) is s.th. like rebuilding
the spellchecker based on a cron expression, so that we could recreate
it e.g. every night at 1 am.

When thinking about creating s.th. like this, do you have some advice
where I could have a look at in solr? Is there already some
"framework" for running regular tasks, or should I pull up my own
Timer/TimerTask etc. and create it from scratch?


> -Hoss

Martin Grotzke

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