
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:57 PM, Erick Erickson <>wrote:

> Hmmm, I don't see any screen shots. Several things:
> 1> If your stopword file has comments, I'm not sure what the effect would
> be.

Ha, I thought comments were supported in stopwords.txt

> 2> Something's not right here, or I'm being fooled again. Your withresults
> xml has this line:
> <str name="parsedquery">+DisjunctionMaxQuery((meta_text:"ecol d
> ingenieur")~0.01) ()</str>
> and your noresults has this line:
> <str name="parsedquery">+DisjunctionMaxQuery((meta_text:"academi
> charpenti")~0.01) DisjunctionMaxQuery((meta_text:"academi
> charpenti"~100)~0.01)</str>
> the empty () in the first one often means you're NOT going to your
> configured dismax parser in solrconfig.xml. Yet that doesn't square with
> your custom qt, so I'm puzzled.
> Could we see your raw query string on the way in? It's almost as if you
> defined qt in one and defType in the other, which are not equivalent.

You are right I fixed this problem (my bad).

3> It may take 12 hours to index, but you could experiment with a smaller
> subset. You say you know that the noresults one should return documents,
> what proof do
> you have? If there's a single document that you know should match this,
> just
> index it and a few others and you should be able to make many runs until
> you
> get
> to the bottom of this...
I could but I always thought I had to fully re-index after updating
schema.xml. If
I update only few documents will that take the changes into account without
the rest ?

> And obviously your stemming is happening on the query, are you sure it's
> happening at index time too?
Since you did not get the screenshots you will find attached the full output
of the analysis
for a phrase that works and for another that does not.

Thanks for your support

Best Regards,


Attachment: analysis-noresults.html.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: analysis-withresults.html.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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