On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 07:22 +0100, "Steven Noels"
<stev...@outerthought.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Upayavira <u...@odoko.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 08:40 -0500, "Estrada Groups"
> > <estrada.adam.gro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > What are the advantages of using something like HBase over your standard
> > > Lucene index with Solr? It would seem to me like you'd be losing a lot of
> > > what Lucene has to offer!?!
> >
> > I think Steven is saying that he has an indexer app that reads from
> > HBase and writes to a standard Solr by hitting its Rest API.
> >
> > So, nothing funky, just a little app that reads from HBase and posts to
> > Solr.
> >
> We're doing something like offering a relational-database-like experience
> (i.e. a schema language, storing typed data instead of byte[]s, secondary
> indexing facilities), with some content management features (versioning,
> blob storage), combined with SOLR as a search index (with mapping between
> our schema and that of SOLR), the index being maintained incrementally
> and
> through map/reduce (for reindexing). We keep multiple versions of the
> index
> if you want, with state management and we do text extraction with Tika.
> All
> this happens fully distributed, so you can play with different boxes
> serving
> as HBase datanode, or index feeder, SOLR search node, etc etc.
> All that sits behind a Java API that uses Avro underneath, and a REST
> interface as well (searches go directly to SOLR). For future versions, we
> will integrate a recommendation engine and some analytics tools as well.
> So yes, we do more (or rather: different things) than what Lucene/SOLR
> does,
> as we offer a full-featured data storage environment, stuffing your data
> in
> HBase (which scales better than MySQL), and make it searchable through
> The 'funky app' you're referring at now sits at about 3 manyears of
> fulltime
> development, BTW. ;-)

Apologies if my "nothing funky" sounded like you weren't doing cool
stuff. I was merely attempting to say that I very much doubt you were
doing anything funky like putting HBase underneath Solr as a replacement
of FSDirectory. I was trying to imply that, likely your integration with
Solr was relatively conventional (interacting with its REST interface),
and the "funky" stuff that you are doing sits outside of that space.

Hope that's a clearer (and more accurate?) attempt at what I was trying
to say.

Upayavira (who finds the Lily project interesting, and would love to
find the time to play with it)
Enterprise Search Consultant at Sourcesense UK, 
Making Sense of Open Source

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