Personally, I just create a view that flattens out the database and renames the 
fields as I desire. Then I call the view with the DIH to import it.

Solr doesn't knwo anything about the databsae, except how to get a connection 
and fetch rows. And that's pretty darn useful, just that much less code to 

 Dennis Gearon

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It is always a good idea to learn from your own mistakes. It is usually a 
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----- Original Message ----
From: Upayavira <>
Sent: Fri, January 28, 2011 1:41:42 AM
Subject: Re: Solr for noSQL

On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 21:38 -0800, "Dennis Gearon" <>
> Why not make one's own DIH handler, Lance?

Personally, I don't like that approach. Solr is best related to as
something of a black box that you configure, then push content to.
Having Solr know about your data sources, and pull content in seems to
me to be mixing concerns.

I relate to the DIH as a useful tool for smaller sites or for
prototyping, but would expect anything more substantial to require an
indexing application that gives you full control over the indexing
process. It could be a lightweight app that uses a MongoDB java client
and SolrJ, and simply pulls from one and pushes to the other. If you
don't want to run another JVM, it could run as a separate webapp within
your Solr JVM.

From an architectural point of view, do you configure Mysql, or MongoDB
for that matter, to pull content into itself? Likewise, Solr should be a
service that listens, waiting to be given data.

Enterprise Search Consultant at Sourcesense UK, 
Making Sense of Open Source

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