
Thanks for your info.

Currently my index size is around 4GB. Normally in small instances total
available memory will be 1.6GB. In my setup, I allocated around 1GB as a
heap size for tomcat. Hence I believe, remaining 600 MB will be used for OS

I believe, I need to migrate my Solr instance from small instance to large.
So that some more memory will be allotted for OS cache. But initially I
suspect, since I call Solrj code from another instance, I need to increase
the memory in the instance from where I run the Solrj. But you said I need
to increase the memory in Solr instance only. Here, just I want to double
check this case only. sorry for that.

Once again thanks for your replies.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Yonik Seeley <yo...@lucidimagination.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 7:25 AM, rahul <asharud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In our setup, we are having Solr index in one machine. And Solrj client
> part
> > (java code) in another machine. Currently as you suggest, if it may be a
> > 'not enough free RAM for the OS to cache' then whether I need to increase
> > the RAM in the machine in which Solrj query part is there.??? Or need to
> > increase RAM for Solr instance for the OS cache?
> That would be RAM for the Solr instance.  If there is not enough free
> memory for the OS to cache, then each document retrieved will be a
> disk seek + read.
> > Since both the system are in local Amazon network (Linux EC2 small
> > instances), I believe the network wont be a issue.
> Ah, how big is your index?
> > Another thing, in the reply you have mentioned 'client not reading fast
> > enough'. Whether it is related to network or Solrj.
> That was a general issue - it *can* be the client, but since you're
> using SolrJ it would be the network.
> -Yonik
> http://lucidimagination.com

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