: I watched an online video with Chris Hostsetter from Lucidimagination. He
: showed the possibility of having some Facets that exclude *all* filter while
: also having some Facets that take care of some of the set filters while
: ignoring other filters.

FWIW: That webinar is nearly identical to the apachecon talk i gave on the 
same topic, slides of which can be found here...


This is the example i used on Slide #29...

  Same Facet, Different Exclusions

    * A key can be specified for a facet to change the name used to
      identify it in the response.
    * This allows you to have multiple instances of a facet, with
       differnet exclusions.

            q = Hot Rod 
           fq = {!df=colors tag=cx}purple green 
  facet.field = {!key=all_colors ex=cx}colors 
  facet.field = {!key=overlap_colors}colors

...the point in that example is to treat a field (color) as two 
differnt facets: one with exclusions and one without.

it sounds like what you want is differnet -- i *think* what you 
are asking for is multiple exclusions for a single facet.  I didn't 
mention that in my slides, but you can do that using a comma seperated 
list of exclusions...

            q = Hot Rod 
           fq = {!df=body tag=bc}purple
           fq = {!df=interior tag=ic}green
  facet.field = {!ex=bc,ic}model


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