My  OS  is  also CentOS (5.4). If it were 10gb all the time it would be
ok, but it grows for 13-15gb, and hurts other services =\

> It could be environment specific (specific of your "top" command
> implementation, OS, etc)

> I have on CentOS 2986m "virtual" memory showing although -Xmx2g

> You have 10g "virtual" although -Xmx6g 

> Don't trust it too much... "top" command may count OS buffers for opened
> files, network sockets, JVM DLLs itself, etc (which is outside Java GC
> responsibility); additionally to JVM memory... it counts all memory, not
> sure... if you don't have big values for 99.9%wa (which means WAIT I/O -
> disk swap usage) everyhing is fine...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Denis Kuzmenok 
> Sent: May-31-11 4:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Solr memory consumption

> I  run  multiple-core  solr with flags: -Xms3g -Xmx6g -D64, but i see this
> in top after 6-8 hours and still raising:

> 17485  test        21    4 10.0g 7.4g 9760 S 308.2 31.3 448:00.75 java
> -Xms3g -Xmx6g -D64
> -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/test/solr/example/multicore/ -jar
> start.jar
> Are there any ways to limit memory for sure?

> Thanks

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