So what should i do to evoid that error?
I can use 10G on server, now i try to run with flags:
java -Xms6G -Xmx6G -XX:MaxPermSize=1G -XX:PermSize=512M -D64

Or should i set xmx to lower numbers and what about other params?
Sorry, i don't know much about java/jvm =(

Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 7:29:50 PM, you wrote:

> Are you in fact out of swap space, as the java error suggested?

> The way JVM's work always, if you tell it -Xmx6g, it WILL use all 6g 
> eventually.  The JVM doesn't Garbage Collect until it's going to run out
> of heap space, until it gets to your Xmx.  It will keep using RAM until
> it reaches your Xmx.

> If your Xmx is set so high you don't have enough RAM available, that 
> will be a problem, you don't want to set Xmx like this. Ideally you 
> don't even want to swap, but normally the OS will swap to give you 
> enough RAM if neccesary -- if you don't have swap space for it to do 
> that, to give the JVM the 6g you've configured it to take.... well, that
> seems to be what the Java error message is telling you. Of course 
> sometimes error messages are misleading.

> But yes, if you set Xmx to 6G, the process WILL use all 6G eventually.
> This is just how the JVM works.

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