I ran out of memory on some big indexes when using solr 1.4. Found out that 


in solrconfig.xml could help a lot. 

It may slow down your searching your index.


On 02/06/2011, at 01.16, Alexey Serba wrote:

> Hey Denis,
> * How big is your index in terms of number of documents and index size?
> * Is it production system where you have many search requests?
> * Is there any pattern for OOM errors? I.e. right after you start your
> Solr app, after some search activity or specific Solr queries, etc?
> * What are 1) cache settings 2) facets and sort-by fields 3) commit
> frequency and warmup queries?
> etc
> Generally you might want to connect to your jvm using jconsole tool
> and monitor your heap usage (and other JVM/Solr numbers)
> * http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/jconsole.html
> * http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrJmx#Remote_Connection_to_Solr_JMX
> HTH,
> Alexey
> 2011/6/1 Denis Kuzmenok <forward...@ukr.net>:
>> There  were  no  parameters  at  all,  and java hitted "out of memory"
>> almost  every day, then i tried to add parameters but nothing changed.
>> Xms/Xmx  -  did  not solve the problem too. Now i try the MaxPermSize,
>> because it's the last thing i didn't try yet :(
>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 9:00:56 PM, you wrote:
>>> Could be related to your crazy high MaxPermSize like Marcus said.
>>> I'm no JVM tuning expert either. Few people are, it's confusing. So if
>>> you don't understand it either, why are you trying to throw in very
>>> non-standard parameters you don't understand?  Just start with whatever
>>> the Solr example jetty has, and only change things if you have a reason
>>> to (that you understand).
>>> On 6/1/2011 1:19 PM, Denis Kuzmenok wrote:
>>>> Overall  memory on server is 24G, and 24G of swap, mostly all the time
>>>> swap  is  free and is not used at all, that's why "no free swap" sound
>>>> strange to me..

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