Sorry, my previous email has been truncated.

Setting a security for a web application has nothing to do with security 
manager, which is something related with jvm and low level permission

(Continue from the previous email)

But anyway, i don't know glassfish and how its security config is working.

Doing that in Jboss or tomcat is very simple.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Andrea Gazzarini" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:24:48 
To: <>; Xue-Feng Yang<>
Subject: Re: Severe errors in solr configuration

I don't know glassfish; the error you're reporting is a low-level security 
exception (method access) and doesn't seem to be related with web application 
(JAAS) security.

Did you change the web.xml of solr war for including security constraints, 
security collections, login-config, roles and so on?

But again...I don't know 
-----Original Message-----
From: Xue-Feng Yang <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:13:41 
Subject: Severe errors in solr configuration

Hi all,

I'm new to solr. 

I installed solr 3.3 with glassfish 3.1 in ubuntu 10.4.

It works fine until I set security manager in glassfish since I don't want to 
everyone can reach the solr's admin page. The error message was as follows.

Severe errors in solr configuration.

Check your log files for more detailed information on what may be wrong.

If you want solr to continue after configuration errors, change: 


in solr.xml

------------------------------------------------------------- access denied 
( findMBeanServer)


Any help is welcome.


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