On 8/1/2011 12:42 PM, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
Otherwise i need to backup the whole index and try to reindex overnight when
cms users are sleeping.
With some work you can do this using an extra solr that just pulls everything, 
then swaps the indexes (that needs a bit of downtime), then re-indexes the 
things changed during the night.
I feel this should be a standard feature of SOLR...

It sort of is, in the sense that you can do it with replication, with no downtime. (Although you'll need enough disk and RAM in the slave to warm the replicated index while still serving queries from the older index, for no downtime).

Reindex to a seperate solr (or seperate core), then have the actual production core set up as a slave, and have it replicate from master when the re-indexing is done. You can have your relevant conf files (schema or solrconfig) set up to replicate too, so you get those new ones in production exactly when you get the new indexes they go with.

The replication features isn't exactly set up for this, so it gets a bit confusing. I set up the 'slave' with NO polling. It still needs to be set up with config saying it's a slave though. And it still needs to have a 'master' URL in there, even though you can also supply/over-ride the master URL with a manual replicate command, if there's no master URL at all, Solr will refuse to start up. So I config the master URL, but without any polling for changes. Then I manually issue an HTTP replicate command to slave only when I have a rebuilt index in master I want to swap in. It seems to be working.

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