Hello list,

Took a while to get back to following the discussions after vacation.

We have recently stumbled upon an issue with distributed facet search. I
would appreciate any help before checking the source code of solr 1.4 we
currently use.

When shooting a distributed query, we use facet.limit=1000. Then the merging
SOLR combines the results. We also use facet.zeros=false to ensure returning
only non-zero facet entries.
The issue that we found is that there was a gap in time in the final results
list (reverse sorted by date attached to each entry in all the shards),
whereby entries stamped with certain date disappeared. If we use different
query criteria, that produces less than 1000 results both in each of the
shards and combined, we see those "missing" entries. So the problem is not
in missing data, but in the combination algorithm.

Can someone explain, how exactly does the merging SOLR combine the results
from shard, when they exceed the facet.limit?

Please ask questions, if something isn't clear or you need more details.

Dmitry Kan

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