On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : OK, if SOLR-2403 being related to the bug I described, has been fixed in
> : SOLR 3.4 than we are safe, since we are in the process of migration. Is it
> : possible to verify this somehow? Is FacetComponent class is the one I should
> : start checking this from? Can you give any other pointers?
> According to Jira, it has not been fixed (note the "Unresolved" status)

Boy, I wish jira defaulted to showing the "All" tab.
I *think* this actually has been fixed and I just forgot to close the issue?

http://www.lucene-eurocon.com - The Lucene/Solr User Conference

> FacetComponent is definitely the class that needs fixed.  If you
> are interestedin working on a patch, see Yonik's comments in the
> issue about how to approach it, in particular about how fixing
> "mincount=1" is definitley solvable even if "mincount > 1" is a
> harder/intractable problem.  the change sounds simple, but writting test
> cases to verify it is going to also take some effort.
> -Hoss

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