: OK, if SOLR-2403 being related to the bug I described, has been fixed in
: SOLR 3.4 than we are safe, since we are in the process of migration. Is it
: possible to verify this somehow? Is FacetComponent class is the one I should
: start checking this from? Can you give any other pointers?

According to Jira, it has not been fixed (note the "Unresolved" status)

FacetComponent is definitely the class that needs fixed.  If you 
are interestedin working on a patch, see Yonik's comments in the 
issue about how to approach it, in particular about how fixing 
"mincount=1" is definitley solvable even if "mincount > 1" is a 
harder/intractable problem.  the change sounds simple, but writting test 
cases to verify it is going to also take some effort.


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