: modified the solr/home accordingly.  I have an empty directory under
: tomcat/webapps named after the solr home directory in the context fragment.

if that empty directory has the same base name as your context fragment 
(ie: "tomcat/webapps/solr0" and "solr0.xml") that may give you problems 
... the entire point of using context fragment files is to define webapps 
independently of a simple directory based hierarchy in tomcat/webapps ... 
if you have a directory there with the same name you create a conflict -- 
which webapp should it use, the empty one, or the one specified by your 
contextt file?

: I expected to fire up tomcat and have it unpack the war file contents into the
: solr home directory specified in the context fragment, but its empty, as is
: the webapps directory.

that's not what the "solr/home" env variable is for at all.  tomcat will 
put the unpacked war where ever it needs/wants to (in theory it could just 
load it in memory) ... the point of the solr/home env variable is for you 
to tell the solr.war where to find the configuration files for this 

Note in particular from the instructions you mentioned on the wiki...

"Copy the example/solr directory from the source to the installation 
directory like /opt/solr/example"


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