On 10/18/2011 6:59 AM, Tod wrote:
One more question, is there a particular advantage of multiple solr instances vs. multiple solr cores?

One way of doing multiple instances is running more than one copy of your container (tomcat/jetty/whatever). I've never tried to put more than one .war file into a container ... I have no idea how to tell each one where its solr home is. It may be possible, but I've never tried. Either way, you'd end up with overhead because a certain amount of memory is required just to get each copy of Solr started. There is some additional flexibility with multiple containers - they can be easily stopped and started independently at the OS level.

With cores, there isn't as much overhead because there's only one application running, handling multiple indexes. There is some ability to load/unload each index independently with CoreAdmin, but it's not controllable at the OS level. In a well designed full system that includes software and hardware redundancy, being unable to independently stop/start an index isn't much of a worry.


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