Thanks for the replies,

it fixed my mind, and I now have something to implement :o)
I will try to do that with 2 requests:
- 1 grouped by source to retrieve the documents to boost
- 1 with a FunctionQuery to add the boosts computed during the first

It won't be easy to do that with 1 request because my results must be
grouped by another field than source. (a 'forum' doc correponds to a
post and will be grouped by topic, ...)

And about the random field, I suspect that, if there's 1000 forum docs
for 10 news doc, there will be 100 boosted forum docs for 1 boosted news
doc. And my problem still remains.


Le mercredi 21 mars 2012 à 14:24 -0300, Emmanuel Espina a écrit :
> In general the algorithm considers what is more relevant and probably
> you should check why one kind of result is giving always higher scores
> than the others. Are you using norms (not setting omitNorms = true).
> With debugQuery=true you can get a detail of how the score is
> calculated.
> That would be solving the cause. To solve the symptom probably you can
> use FieldCollapsing :
> You group by source and set the number of documents per group to 10
> and in that way you would get results in all the categories. Then
> implement some criteria in your app to select documents from those
> sources based on the score.
> Thanks
> Emmanuel
> 2012/3/21 fbrisbart <>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have, in my dataset, documents from different sources (forum, news,
> > reviews, ...)
> > And I'd like to have a mix of them in my search results.
> >
> >
> > The problem is that, depending only on the relevance, the results are
> > often grouped by source (Ex.:50 'forum' docs before the first 'review'
> > doc)
> > So, I am looking for a way to slightly disseminate the results and avoid
> > this behaviour.
> >
> > I could run 1 search per source and manually do the mix. But, I have ~10
> > different sources, and I'm afraid this will be too slow.
> >
> > Is there a clean & fast way to do that ? I eventually think about
> > implementing a custom Scorer.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Franck
> >

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