: Suppose I have content which has title and description. Users can tag content
: and search content based on tag, title and description. Tag has more
: weightage.
: Any inputs on how indexing and retrieval will work given there is content
: and tags using Solr? Has anyone implemented search based on collaborative
: tagging?

simple stuff would be to have your 3 fields, and search them with a 
weighted boosting -- giving more importance to the tag field.

where things get more complicated is when you want docA to score 
higher for hte query "boat" then docB because 100 users have taged docA 
with boat, but only 5 users have taged docB "boat"

The canonical way to deal with this would be using payloads to boost the 
weight of a term -- the DelimitedPayloadTokenFilterFactory can help with 
this at index time, but off the top of my head i don't think any of the 
existing Solr QParsers will build the neccessary PayloadTermQuery, so you 
might have to roll your own -- there are afew Jira issues with patches 
that you might be able to re-use or get inspired from...



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