Am 11.05.2012 15:48, schrieb Anderson vasconcelos:

Analysing the solr server in glassfish with Jconsole, the Heap Memory Usage
don't use more than 4 GB. But, when was executed the TOP comand, the free
memory in Operating system is only 200 MB. The physical memory is only 10GB.

Why machine used so much memory? The cache fields are included in Heap
Memory usage? The other 5,8 GB is the caching of Operating System for
recent open files? Exists some way to tunning this?


If the OS is Linux or some other Unix variant, it keeps as much disk content in memory as possible. Whenever new memory is needed, it automatically gets freed. That won't need time, and there's no need to tune anything.

Don't look at the free memory in top command, it's nearly useless. Have a look at how much memory your Glassfish process is consuming, and use the 'free' command (maybe together with the -m parameter for human readability) to find out more about your free memory. The "
-/+ buffers/cache" line is relevant.


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