Hi Kuli

Is Just raising. Thanks for the explanation.



2012/5/11 Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org>

> On 5/11/2012 9:30 AM, Anderson vasconcelos wrote:
>> HI  Kuli
>> The free -m command gives me
>>                    total       used       free     shared    buffers
>> cached
>> Mem:          9991       9934         57          0         75       5759
>> -/+ buffers/cache:       4099       5892
>> Swap:         8189       3395       4793
>> You can see that has only 57m free and 5GB cached.
>> In top command, the glassfish process used 79,7% of memory:
>>  4336 root      21   0 29.7g 7.8g 4.0g S         0.3      79.7   5349:14
>> java
>> If i increase the memory of server for more 2GB, the SO will be use this
>> additional 2GB in cache? I need to increse the memory size?
> Are you having a problem you need to track down, or are you just raising a
> concern because your memory usage is not what you expected?
> It is 100% normal for a Linux system to show only a few megabytes of
> memory free.  To make things run faster, the OS caches disk data using
> memory that is not directly allocated to programs or the OS itself.  If a
> program requests memory, the OS will allocate it immediately, it simply
> forgets the least used part of the cache.
> Windows does this too, but Microsoft decided that novice users would freak
> out if the task manager were to give users the true picture of memory
> usage, so they exclude disk cache when calculating free memory.  It's not
> really a lie, just not the full true picture.
> A recent version of Solr (3.5, if I remember right) made a major change in
> the way that the index files are accessed.  The way things are done now is
> almost always faster, but it makes the memory usage in the top command
> completely useless.  The VIRT memory size includes all of your index files,
> plus all the memory that the java process is capable of allocating, plus a
> little that i can't quite account for.  The RES size is also bigger than
> expected, and I'm not sure why.
> Based on the numbers above, I am guessing that your indexes take up
> 15-20GB of disk space.  For best performance, you would want a machine with
> at least 24GB of RAM so that your entire index can fit into the OS disk
> cache.  The 10GB you have (which leaves the 5.8 GB for disk cache as you
> have seen) may be good enough to cache the frequently accessed portions of
> your index, so your performance might be just fine.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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