HI  Kuli

The free -m command gives me
                   total       used       free     shared    buffers
Mem:          9991       9934         57          0         75       5759
-/+ buffers/cache:       4099       5892
Swap:         8189       3395       4793

You can see that has only 57m free and 5GB cached.

In top command, the glassfish process used 79,7% of memory:

 4336 root      21   0 29.7g 7.8g 4.0g S         0.3      79.7   5349:14

If i increase the memory of server for more 2GB, the SO will be use this
additional 2GB in cache? I need to increse the memory size?


2012/5/11 Michael Kuhlmann <k...@solarier.de>

> Am 11.05.2012 15:48, schrieb Anderson vasconcelos:
>  Hi
>> Analysing the solr server in glassfish with Jconsole, the Heap Memory
>> Usage
>> don't use more than 4 GB. But, when was executed the TOP comand, the free
>> memory in Operating system is only 200 MB. The physical memory is only
>> 10GB.
>> Why machine used so much memory? The cache fields are included in Heap
>> Memory usage? The other 5,8 GB is the caching of Operating System for
>> recent open files? Exists some way to tunning this?
>> Thanks
>>  If the OS is Linux or some other Unix variant, it keeps as much disk
> content in memory as possible. Whenever new memory is needed, it
> automatically gets freed. That won't need time, and there's no need to tune
> anything.
> Don't look at the free memory in top command, it's nearly useless. Have a
> look at how much memory your Glassfish process is consuming, and use the
> 'free' command (maybe together with the -m parameter for human readability)
> to find out more about your free memory. The "
> -/+ buffers/cache" line is relevant.
> Greetings,
> Kuli

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