> Thanks for the reply. Yes I wanted the executable to run
> after the commit operation. I would like to have the doc XML
> though. The further processing might be intensive and so I
> didn't want the document to wait for the extra processing
> before committing (if I use UpdateRequestProcessor). The
> other reason is because we are not developing in Java.

Sorry but I don't fully follow your requirement. Can you elaborate more? What 
is this further processing, does it add new fields?  

> I have managed to run an executable but I have no idea how
> to get the document. Would it be risky to use the timestamp
> instead?  
> i.e. The executable check the current timestamp and queyr
> solr for documents with that exact time stamp. (Or with a
> few millisecond tolerance?)

DIH use this technique to capture delta changes. So you want to capture XML of 
newly committed documents? Documents changed after previous commit?

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