Hi Ahmet

Basically we have an application that does indexing of documents to SOLR. This 
application is basically a third party and we didn't do much meddling with it. 
There is another application that I'm developing to use some of the fields data 
indexed (both when it is new or updated), do some calculation, and adds a field 
with the result of that process. Then I would like to index that document back 
to Solr (do an update). 

I know it will mean twice reindexing of the whole document and that sounds 
really inefficient, but we don't want the success of the first application to 
depend on the extra processing.
I am using PHP for the application and would prefer not to use Java just for 
listener. Is there no way to do this? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ahmet Arslan [mailto:iori...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2012 9:27 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: PostCommit Document

> Thanks for the reply. Yes I wanted the executable to run
> after the commit operation. I would like to have the doc XML
> though. The further processing might be intensive and so I
> didn't want the document to wait for the extra processing
> before committing (if I use UpdateRequestProcessor). The
> other reason is because we are not developing in Java.

Sorry but I don't fully follow your requirement. Can you elaborate more? What 
is this further processing, does it add new fields?  

> I have managed to run an executable but I have no idea how
> to get the document. Would it be risky to use the timestamp
> instead?  
> i.e. The executable check the current timestamp and queyr
> solr for documents with that exact time stamp. (Or with a
> few millisecond tolerance?)

DIH use this technique to capture delta changes. So you want to capture XML of 
newly committed documents? Documents changed after previous commit?

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