
Grant Ingersoll from ASF got in touch with me to ensure that I am compliant with the Apache Trade Mark. I made changes to the names, web pages, wiki, papers, etc. and sent back the links to Grant for approval. You may want to check with Grant.

Regarding the fork, I am not creating a fork but actually contributing the realtime NRT back to Apache Solr. There was no NRT functionality in the older versions of Solr.


Nagendra Nagarajayya

On 7/25/2012 6:54 AM, Mark Miller wrote:
You are changing the name, or someone at Apache told you the current name is 

If someone at Apache told you it was okay, who was that?

You are certainly not using the Solr mark in an approved manner and I'd hope if 
you are going to take advantage of our mailing list for promotion of your 
product, that you would not violate our trademark. You are already on shaky 
ground promoting a Solr fork on the Solr mailing list by announcing every 
release - naming your fork something with Solr in it puts you over the edge on 
my list.

We don't allow people to name their products things like "Solr: the wonder edition" or 
anything along those lines. Solr is our trademark and third party products must have their own 
name. The only thing we allow is the phrase "powered by Solr".

I'm on the Lucene/Solr PMC and am an Apache member and I'd find it pretty hard 
to believe that anyone would suggest that your usage is a correct usage of the 
Solr trademark.

- Mark

On Jul 24, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Nagendra Nagarajayya wrote:

Thanks Mark! I am already working with Apache Software Foundation on the mark 
and am using the correct usage of the mark as suggested by them.


Nagendra Nagarajayya

On 7/23/2012 12:15 PM, Mark Miller wrote:
On Jul 23, 2012, at 11:27 AM, Nagendra Nagarajayya wrote:

I am not sure why any one will get offended by an announcement that NRT 
functionality was available with older releases.
FWIW, I'm not offended - I don't mind if third parties post announcements if 
they are related to Solr.

I just want to make sure it's very clear that it's a third party announce so 
there is no confusion - people that don't follow the lists on a daily basis 
read these things. A lot of these emails end up archived on various sites that 
collect mailing lists. It's easy to run into them without the proper context.

I think part of the confusion is the naming. Technically, Apache does not allow the use 
of Apache marks as part of a third party name. Instead, the name should be something like 
"Product X, powered by Solr"


- Mark Miller

- Mark Miller

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