: I don't think I changed by solrconfig.xml file from the default that
: was provided in the example folder for solr 4.0.

ok ... well the Solr 4.0-BETA example solrconfig.xml has this in it...


So if you want to override the dataDir using a "property" like your second 
example, it should be something like...

   <core name="MYCORE_test" instanceDir="MYCORE">   
     <property name="solr.data.dir" value="MYCORE_test" />

...the property name used in the solrconfig.xml has to match the property 
name you use when declaring the core, or it won't get used and you'll get 
the default behavior.  "solr.data.dir" isn't special here -- you could use 
any umber of properties in your solrconfig.xml, and declare them when 
defining your individual cores.

that's very differnet from your other example...

   <core name="MYCORE_test" instanceDir="MYCORE" dataDir="MYCORE_test" />

...which doesn't use properties at all, and says "this is waht the dataDir 
should be, regardless of what the <dataDir>...</dataDir> looks like in the 

(at least: i'm pretty sure that's how it works)


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