On 10/14/2012 12:19 AM, Walter Underwood wrote:
There is a bit more info in this post, look for "alternative codecs":


If I were to add this to the Solr wiki as potential options under postingsFormat, would it be correct?

“Appending” works with append-only filesystems (such as Hadoop DFS)
“Memory” writes the entire terms+postings as an FST read into RAM
“Pulsing” inlines the postings for low-frequency terms into the term dictionary
“SimpleText” writes all files in plain-text for easy debugging/transparency
“Bloom” uses a bloom filter to sometimes avoid disk seeks when looking up terms “Direct” holds all postings as simple byte[] and int[] for very fast performance at the cost of very high RAM consumption “Block” use a new index layout and compression scheme for improved performance


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