On 10/15/2012 12:38 PM, Alan Woodward wrote:
See discussion on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3843, this was 
apparently intentional.

That also links to the following: 
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml#codecFactory, which suggests you need 
to use solr.SchemaCodecFactory for per-field codecs - this might solve your 
postingsFormat exception.

I already added this to my solrconfig.xml as a top-level element:

 <codecFactory class="solr.SchemaCodecFactory"/>

Once I added this, I tried Bloom, but I had an incorrect name. That resulted in this error, showing that the codecFactory config element gave me more choices than Lucene40 and Lucene41:

SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A SPI class of type org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat with name 'Bloom' does not exist. You need to add the corresponding JAR file supporting this SPI to your classpath.The current classpath supports the following names: [Lucene40, Lucene41, Pulsing41, SimpleText, Memory, BloomFilter, Direct]

Once I got that, I knew I had made some progress, so I changed it to BloomFilter and got the error in the previous message. Repasting here without the full stacktrace:

SEVERE: null:java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Error - org.apache.lucene.codecs.bloom.BloomFilteringPostingsFormat has been constructed without a choice of PostingsFormat

Based on that error message, along with something I remember reading during my Google travels, I suspect that not all codecs (BloomFilter being a prime example) have whatever corresponding Solr bits are required.


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