On 10/22/2012 3:11 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Walter Underwood
<wun...@wunderwood.org> wrote:
First, stop optimizing. You do not need to manually force merges. The system 
does a great job. Forcing merges (optimize) uses a lot of CPU and disk IO and 
might be the cause of your problem.

Thanks. Looking at the index statistics, I see that within minutes
after running optimize that the stats say the index needs to be
reoptimized. Though, the index still reads and writes fine even in
that state.

As soon as you make any change at all to an index, it's no longer "optimized." Delete one document, add one document, anything. Most of the time you will not see a performance increase from optimizing an index that consists of one large segment and a bunch of very tiny segments or deleted documents.

Second, the OS will use the "extra" memory for file buffers, which really helps 
performance, so you might not need to do anything. This will work better after you stop 
forcing merges. A forced merge replaces every file, so the OS needs to reload everything 
into file buffers.

I don't see that the memory is being used:

$ free -g
              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:            14          2         12          0          0          1
-/+ buffers/cache:          0         14
Swap:            0          0          0

How big is your index, and did you run this right after a reboot? If you did, then the cache will be fairly empty, and Solr has only read enough from the index files to open the searcher.The number is probably too small to show up on a gigabyte scale. As you issue queries, the cached amount will get bigger. If your index is small enough to fit in the 14GB of free RAM that you have, you can manually populate the disk cache by going to your index directory and doing 'cat * > /dev/null' from the commandline or a script. The first time you do it, it may go slowly, but if you immediately do it again, it will complete VERY fast -- the data will all be in RAM.

The 'free -m' command in your first email shows cache usage of 1243MB, which suggests that maybe your index is considerably smaller than your available RAM. Having loads of free RAM is a good thing for just about any workload, but especially for Solr.Try running the free command without the -g so you can see those numbers in kilobytes.

I have seen a tendency towards creating huge caches in Solr because people have lots of memory. It's important to realize that the OS is far better at the overall job of caching the index files than Solr itself is. Solr caches are meant to cache result sets from queries and filters, not large sections of the actual index contents. Make the caches big enough that you see some benefit, but not big enough to suck up all your RAM.

If you are having warm time problems, make the autowarm counts low. I have run into problems with warming on my filter cache, because we have filters that are extremely hairy and slow to run. I had to reduce my autowarm count on the filter cache to FOUR, with a cache size of 512. When it is 8 or higher, it can take over a minute to autowarm.


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