Hello everyone,

I´ve tested atomic updates via Ajax calls and now I´m starting with atomic
updates via SolrJ... but the way I´m proceeding doesn´t seem to work well.
Here is the snippet:

*SolrInputDocument do = ne SolrInputDocument();*
*doc.addField("id", "myId");*
*Map<String, List<String>> operation = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();*
*operation.put("set", [[a list of String elements]]);  // I want a set
operation to override field values.*
*doc.addField("fieldName", operation);*
*cloudSolrServer.add(doc); // Atomic update operation.*

And after updating the resultant doc is as follows:

*doc: {*
*fieldName: [ "{set=values}"*



In other words, the map which includes the "set" operation and the field
values is String formatted and that String is used to update the field, :-/

What is the correct way to update just one or more fields with SolrJ?



- Luis Cappa

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