Would this be a reasonable (if very rough) attempt at cake diagram?

Not sure if I managed to get logical/physical separation clearly enough,
but it could be a start.


Personal blog: http://blog.outerthoughts.com/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrerafalovitch
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at
once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD book)

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Per Steffensen <st...@designware.dk> wrote:

> It was a very good explanation, Jack!
> I believe I have heard most of it before, so it is really not new for me.
> I DO understand that the name "replica" and "replication-factor" CAN be
> justified, but it requires a long and thorough explanation. And thats the
> point. A good name for a concept means that:
> * The name is among the first that pops up in your mind when you think
> about the concept, or at least you can make a very short explanation why
> you choose this name for that concept
> * When a (fairly educated) newcomer hears the name for the first time, his
> first thoughts about the concept it covers is as close as possible to the
> actual concept
> Good metrics for whether or not we have good names must therefore be
> 1) The frequency of questions about the concepts behind the names
> 2) The frequency of wrong usage of names (cases where people actually
> didnt understand the concept behind the name, didnt ask (1. above) and just
> used the name for what he thought it meant)
> 3) The length of the explanation of why you chose this name for that
> concept
> Ad 1)
> I counted several questions just this week. Especially I noted "Replica
> (Replica of _what_?)" in the original post of this thread. Whether we want
> it or not, newcomers will keep "not getting" the concept of replica or
> getting it wrong. Why? Because it is a bad name.
> Ad 2)
> I also counted several cases where names where used completely wrong this
> week.
> Ad 3)
> Take a look at the length of Jacks great post below, and take a look at
> the length of this mail-thread.
> I believe we will do better on the metrics if we use
> node/collection/shard/shard-**instance/index instead of
> node/collection/shard/replica/**(core/)index, and use instances-per-shard
> instead of replication-factor. And say that "core" is the same as a
> "shard-instance", but typically used in a non/pre-Cloud context. That index
> is a physical lucene thing - and nothing but that. That collections and
> shards are logical concepts. That a shard-instance is a physical instance
> of a shard implemented using a lucene index persisting its data on physical
> disk.
> My only interest here is to try to pull the project in a good direction.
> You just get my opinion. Keep it simple and no bullshit.
> This entire discussion is great I think, but it probably belong on
> dev-list (or maybe on a JIRA).
> I belive Alexandre Rafalovitch got his answer already :-) To the level a
> clean answer exists at the moment.
> Regards, Per Steffensen
> On 1/4/13 2:54 PM, Jack Krupansky wrote:
>> Replication makes perfect sense even if our explanations so far do not.
>> A shard is an abstraction of a subset of the data for a collection.
>> A replica is an instance of the data of the shard and instances of Solr
>> servers that have indicated a readiness to service queries and updates for
>> the data. Alternatively, a replica is a node which has indicated a
>> readiness to receive and serve the data of a shard, but may not have any
>> data at the moment.
>> Lets describe it operationally for SolrCloud: If data comes in to any
>> replica of a shard it will automatically and quickly be "replicated" to all
>> other replicas of the shard. If a new replica of a shard comes up it will
>> be streamed all of the data from the another replica of the shard. If an
>> existing replica of a shard restarts or reconnects to the cluster, it will
>> be streamed updates of any new data since it was last updated from another
>> replica of the shard.
>> Replication is simply the process of assuring that all replicas are kept
>> up to date. That's the same abstract meaning as for Master/Slave even
>> though the operational details are somewhat different. The goal remains the
>> same.
>> Replication factor is the number of instances of the data of the shard
>> and instances of Solr servers that can service queries and updates for the
>> data. Alternatively, the replication factor is the number of nodes of the
>> SolrCloud cluster  which have indicated a readiness to receive and serve
>> the data of a shard, but may not have any data at the moment.
>> A node is an instance of Solr running in a Java JVM that has indicated to
>> the Zookeeper ensemble of a SolrCloud cluster that it is ready to be a
>> replica for a shard of a collection. [The latter part of that is a bit too
>> fuzzy - I'm not sure what the node tells Zookeeper and who does shard
>> assignment. I mean, does a node explicitly say what shard it wants to be,
>> or is that assigned by Zookeeper, or is that a node's choice/option? But
>> none of that changes the fact that a node "registers" with Zookeeper and
>> then somehow becomes a replica for a shard.]
>> A node (instance of a Solr server) can be a replica of shards from
>> multiple collections (potentially multiple shards per collection). A node
>> is not a replica per se, but a container that can serve multiple
>> collections. A node can serve as multiple replicas, each of a different
>> collection.
>> My only interest here on this user list is to understand and explain the
>> terms we have today and that SEEM to be working for the most part, even
>> though we may not have defined them carefully enough and used them
>> consistently enough.
>> If somebody want to propose an alternative terminology - fine, discuss
>> that on the dev list and/or file a Jira.
>> I won't claim that my definitions are perfect (yet), but perfecting the
>> definitions (for users) should be separated from changing the terms
>> themselves.
>> -- Jack Krupansky
>> -----Original Message----- From: Per Steffensen
>> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 2:49 AM
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Terminology question: Core vs. Collection vs...
>> On 1/3/13 5:58 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:
>>> A "factor" is multiplied, so multiplying the leader by a
>>> replicationFactor of 1 means you have exactly one copy of that shard.
>>> I think that recycling the term "replication" within Solr was confusing,
>>> but it is a bit late to change that.
>>> wunder
>> Yes, the term "factor" is not misleading, but the term "replication" is.
>> If we keep calling shard-instances for "Replica" I guess "replicaFactor"
>> will be ok - at least much better than "replicationFactor". But it would
>> still be better with e.g. "ShardInstance" and "InstancesPerShard"

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