I have a lot of experience with Solr, starting with 1.4.0 and currently running 3.5.0 in production. I am working on a 4.1 upgrade, but I have not touched SolrCloud at all.

I now need to set up a brand new Solr deployment to replace a custom Lucene system, and due to the way the client works, SolrCloud is going to be the only reasonable way to have redundancy. I am planning to have two Solr servers (each also running standalone zookeeper) plus a third low-end machine that will complete the zookeeper ensemble. I'm planning to set it up with numShards=1, replica 2.

It will need to support several different collections. Although it's possible that those collections will all use the same schema and config at first, it's likely that they will diverge before too long.

What would be the best practice for setting up zookeeper for this? Would I use multiple zk chroots, or put everything into one? I've been trying to figure this out on my own, without much luck. Can anyone share some known good ZK/SolrCloud configs?

What gotchas am I likely to run into? The existing config that I've come up with for this system heavily uses xinclude in solrconfig.xml. Is it possible to use xinclude when the config files are in zookeeper, or will I have to re-combine it?


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