On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 1/9/2013 8:54 PM, Mark Miller wrote:
>> I'd put everything into one. You can upload different named sets of config 
>> files and point collections either to the same sets or different sets.
>> You can really think about it the same way you would setting up a single 
>> node with multiple cores. The main difference is that it's easier to share 
>> sets of config files across collections if you want to. You don't need to at 
>> all though.
>> I'm not sure if xinclude works with zk, but I don't think it does.
> Thank you for your assistance.  I'll work on recombining my solrconfig.xml.  
> Are there any available full examples of how to set up and start both 
> zookeeper and Solr?  I'll be using the included Jetty 8.

I'm not sure - there are a few blog posts out there. The wiki does a decent job 
for Solr but doesn't get in ZooKeeper - the ZooKeeper site has a pretty simple 
setup guide though.

> Specific questions that have come to mind:
> If I'm planning multiple collections with their own configs, do I still need 
> to bootstrap zookeeper when I start Solr, or should I start it up with the 
> zkHost parameter and then use the collection admin to upload information?  I 
> have not looked closely at the collection admin yet, I just know that it 
> exists.

Currently, there are two main options. Either use the bootstrap param on first 
startup or use the zkcli cmd line tool to upload config sets and link them to 

> I have heard that if a replica node is down long enough that transaction logs 
> are not enough to fully fix that node, SolrCloud will initiate a full 
> replication.  Is that the case?  If so, is it necessary to configure the 
> replication handler with a specific path for the name, or does SolrCloud 
> handle that itself?

The replication handler should be defined as you see it in the default example 
solrconfig.xml file. Very bare bones.

> Is there an option on updateLog that controls how many transactions are kept, 
> or is that managed automatically by SolrCloud?  I have read some things that 
> talk about 100 updates.  I expect updates on this to be extremely frequent 
> and small, so 100 updates isn't much, and I may want to increase that.

No option - 100 is it as it has implications on the recovery strategy if it's 
raised. I'd like to see it configurable in the future, but would require make 
some other knobs change as well if I remember right.

> Is it expected with future versions of Solr that I could upgrade one of my 
> nodes to 4.2 or 4.3 and have it work with the other node still at 4.1?  I 
> would also hope that would mean that the last 4.x release would work with 
> 5.0.  That would make it possible to do rolling upgrades with no downtime.

I don't think we have committed to anything here yet. Seems like something we 
need to hash out, but we have not wanted to be too limited initially. For 
example, the Solr 4.0 to 4.1 upgrade with SolrCloud still needs some 
explanation and might require some down time.

- Mark

> Thanks,
> Shawn

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