On Wed, 2013-03-20 at 07:19 +0100, Andy wrote:
> What about the case where there's only a small number of fields (a
> dozen or two) but each field has hundreds of thousands or millions of
> values? Would Solr be able to handle that?

We do that on a daily basis at State and University Library, Denmark:
One of our facet fields has 10766502 unique terms, another has 6636746.
This is for 11M documents and it has query response times clustering at
~150ms, ~750ms and ~1500ms (I'll have to look into why it clusters like

This is with standard Solr faceting on a quad core Xeon L5420 server
with SSD. It has 16GB of RAM and runs two search instances, each with
~11M documents, one with a 52GB index, one with 71GB.

- Toke Eskildsen

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