Hi all,

I have been working through the examples on the SolrCloud page:

I am now at the point where, rather than firing up Solr through start.jar,
I'm deploying the Solr war in to Tomcat instances. Taking the following
command as an example:

java -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf
-Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun
-DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -DnumShards=2
-jar start.jar

I can't figure out from the documentation how/ where I set the above
properties when deploying Solr as a war file. I initially thought these
might be configurable through solr.xml but can't find anything in the
documentation to support this.

Most grateful for any pointers here.


Web: http://www.eddgrant.com
Email: e...@eddgrant.com
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