: Thanks for the replies. The problem I have is that setting them at the JVM
: level would mean that all instances of Solr deployed in the Tomcat instance
: are forced to use the same settings. I actually want to set the properties
: at the application level (e.g. in solr.xml, zoo.conf or maybe an
: application level Tomcat Context.xml file).

the thing to keep in mind is that most of the params you refered to are 
things you would not typically want in a deployed setup.  others are 
just ways of specifying defaults that are substituted into configs...

: > > java -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf

you don't wnat this option for a normal setup, it's just for boostratping 
(hence it's only a system property).  in a production setup you would use 
the zookeeper tools to load the configs into your zk quorum.


: > > -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun

ditto for collection.configName -- it's only for boostraping

zkRun is something you only use in trivial setups like the examples in the 
SolrCloud tutorial to run zookeeper embedded in Solr.  if you are running 
a production cluster where you want to be able to add/remove solr nodes on 
the fly, then you are going to want to set of specific machines running 
standalone zookeper.

: > > -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -DnumShards=2

zkHost can be specified in solr.xml (allthough i'm not sure why the 
example solr.xml doesn't include it, i'll update SOLR-4622 to address 
this), or it can be overridden by a system property.


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