
I wrote a test of my application which revealed a Solr oddity (I think).
 The test which I wrote on Windows 7 and makes use of the
under Ubuntu 12.04 because the Solr results I expected for a wildcard query
of the test data are ordered differently under Ubuntu than Windows.  On
both Windows and Ubuntu all items in the result set have a score of 1.0 and
appear to be ordered by docid (which looks like in corresponds to
alphabetical unique id on Windows but not Ubuntu).  I'm guessing that the
root of my issue is that a different docid was assigned to the same
document on each operating system.

The data was imported using a DataImportHandler configuration during a
@BeforeClass step in my JUnit test on both systems.

Any suggestions on how to ensure a consistently ordered wildcard query
result set for testing?


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