These are really good metrics for me:

You say that RAM size should be at least index size, and it is better to
have a RAM size twice the index size (because of worst case scenario).

On the other hand let's assume that I have a RAM size that is bigger than
twice of indexes at machine. Can Solr use that extra RAM or is it a
approximately maximum limit (to have twice size of indexes at machine)?

2013/4/10 Shawn Heisey <>

> On 4/9/2013 4:06 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:
>> Are there anybody who can help me about how to guess the approximately
>> needed RAM for 5000 query/second at a Solr machine?
> You've already gotten some good replies, and I'm aware that they haven't
> really answered your question.  This is the kind of question that cannot be
> answered.
> The amount of RAM that you'll need for extreme performance actually isn't
> hard to figure out - you need enough free RAM for the OS to cache the
> maximum amount of disk space all your indexes will ever use. Normally this
> will be twice the size of all the indexes on the machine, because that's
> how much disk space will likely be used in a worst-case merge scenario
> (optimize).  That's very expensive, so it is cheaper to budget for only the
> size of the index.
> A load of 5000 queries per second is pretty high, and probably something
> you will not achieve with a single-server (not counting backup) approach.
>  All of the tricks that high-volume website developers use are also
> applicable to Solr.
> Once you have enough RAM, you need to worry more about the number of
> servers, the number of CPU cores in each server, and the speed of those CPU
> cores.  Testing with actual production queries is the only way to find out
> what you really need.
> Beyond hardware design, making the requests as simple as possible and
> taking advantage of caches is important.  Solr has caches for queries,
> filters, and documents.  You can also put a caching proxy (something like
> Varnish) in front of Solr, but that would make NRT updates pretty much
> impossible, and that kind of caching can be difficult to get working right.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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