On 4/18/2013 11:02 PM, sawanverma wrote:
> Giving content:[* TO *] gives the same error but when I give content:[a TO z] 
> it works fine. Can you please explain what does it mean when I give 
> content:[a TO z]? Can I use this as workaround? The datatype of content field 
> is text_en.

That syntax is a range query.  The [* TO *] basically means that you are
requesting all documents where the content field exists (has a value).
It's not very likely that [a TO z] will include all possible documents -
it would not include a value like "zap" for instance, because
alphabetically, that is after z.

I am a little bit confused - why would you want to do highlighting on a
query that matches all documents that contain the content field, or even
all documents?  The point of highlighting is to show the parts of the
text that matched your query text, but you don't have any query text.

I think it may be time to back up and tell us what you want to actually
accomplish, rather than trying to deal directly with the error message.
 Because it has to do with highlighting, I may not be able to help, but
there are plenty of very smart people here who do understand highlighting.


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