The Integer.MAX_VALUE-1 limit is set by Lucene. As hardware capacity and
performance continues to advance, I think it's only a matter of time before
Lucene (and then Solr) relaxes the limit, but I don't imagine it will
happened real soon. Maybe in Lucene/Solr 6.0?
-- Jack Krupansky
-----Original Message-----
From: Valery Giner
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 1:36 PM
Subject: any plans to remove int32 limitation on the number of the documents
in the index?
Dear Solr Developers,
I've been unable to find an answer to the question in the subject line
of this e-mail, except of a vague one.
We need to be able to index over 2bln+ documents. We were doing well
without sharding until the number of docs hit the limit ( 2bln+). The
performance was satisfactory for the queries, updates and indexing of
new documents.
That is, except for the need to go around the int32 limit, we don't
really have a need for setting up distributed solr.
I wonder whether some one on the solr team could tell us when/what
version of solr we could expect the limit to be removed.
I hope this question may be of interest to some one else :)