Barani - the fq option doesn't work.
Jason - the dynamic field option won't work due to the high number of
groups and users.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 1:12 AM, Jason Hellman <> wrote:

> Aloke,
> If you do not have a factorial problem in the combination of userid and
> groupid (which I can imagine you might) you could consider creating a field
> for each combination (u1g1, u2g2) which can easily be done via dynamic
> fields.  Use CopyField to get data into these various constructs (again,
> easily configured via wildcard patterns) and then send the suggestion query
> to the right field.
> Obviously this will get out of hand if you have too many of
> this has limits.
> Jason
> On Jun 11, 2013, at 8:29 AM, Aloke Ghoshal <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Trying to find a way to filter down the suggested terms set based on the
> > term value of another indexed field?
> >
> > Let's say we have the following documents indexed in Solr:
> > userid:1, groupid:1, content:"alpha beta gamma"
> > userid:2, groupid:1, content:"alternate better garden"
> > userid:3, groupid:2, content:"altruism bent garner"
> >
> > Now a query on (with a dictionary built using terms in the content
> field):
> > q:groupid:1 AND content:al
> >
> > should suggest alpha & alternate, (not altruism, since it has a different
> > groupid).
> >
> > The option to have a separate dictionary per group gets ruled out due to
> > the high number of distinct groups (50K+).
> >
> > Kindly suggest ways to get this working.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Aloke

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