Hi Otis,

Right I didn't restart the JVMs except on the one slave where I was 
experimenting with using G1GC on the 1.7.0_21 JRE.   Also some time ago I made 
all our caches small enough to keep us from getting OOMs while still having a 
good hit rate.    Our index has about 50 fields which are mostly int IDs and 
there are some dynamic fields also.  These dynamic fields can be used for 
custom faceting.  We have some standard facets we always facet on and other 
dynamic facets which are only used if the query is filtering on a particular 
category.  There are hundreds of these fields but since they are only for a 
small subset of the overall index they are very sparsely populated with regard 
to the overall index.  With CMS GC we get a sawtooth on the old generation (I 
guess every replication and commit causes it's usage to drop down to 10GB or 
so) and it seems to be the old generation which is the main space consumer.  
With the G1GC, the memory map looked totally different!  I was a little lost 
looking at memory consumption with that GC.  Maybe I'll try it again now that 
the index is a bit smaller than it was last time I tried it.  After four days 
without running an optimize now it is 21GB.  BTW our indexing speed is mostly 
bound by the DB so reducing the segments might be ok...

Here is a quick snapshot of one slaves memory map as reported by PSI-Probe, but 
unfortunately I guess I can't send the history graphics to the solr-user list 
to show their changes over time:
        Name                    Used            Committed       Max             
Initial         Group
         Par Survivor Space     20.02 MB        108.13 MB       108.13 MB       
108.13 MB       HEAP
         CMS Perm Gen   42.29 MB        70.66 MB        82.00 MB        20.75 
MB        NON_HEAP
         Code Cache             9.73 MB 9.88 MB 48.00 MB        2.44 MB NON_HEAP
         CMS Old Gen            20.22 GB        30.94 GB        30.94 GB        
30.94 GB        HEAP
         Par Eden Space 42.20 MB        865.31 MB       865.31 MB       865.31 
MB       HEAP
         Total                  20.33 GB        31.97 GB        32.02 GB        
31.92 GB        TOTAL

And here's our current cache stats from a random slave:

name:    queryResultCache  
class:   org.apache.solr.search.LRUCache  
version:         1.0  
description:     LRU Cache(maxSize=488, initialSize=6, autowarmCount=6, 
stats:  lookups : 619 
hits : 36 
hitratio : 0.05 
inserts : 592 
evictions : 101 
size : 488 
warmupTime : 2949 
cumulative_lookups : 681225 
cumulative_hits : 73126 
cumulative_hitratio : 0.10 
cumulative_inserts : 602396 
cumulative_evictions : 428868

 name:   fieldCache  
class:   org.apache.solr.search.SolrFieldCacheMBean  
version:         1.0  
description:     Provides introspection of the Lucene FieldCache, this is 
**NOT** a cache that is managed by Solr.  
stats:  entries_count : 359

name:    documentCache  
class:   org.apache.solr.search.LRUCache  
version:         1.0  
description:     LRU Cache(maxSize=2048, initialSize=512, autowarmCount=10, 
stats:  lookups : 12710 
hits : 7160 
hitratio : 0.56 
inserts : 5636 
evictions : 3588 
size : 2048 
warmupTime : 0 
cumulative_lookups : 10590054 
cumulative_hits : 6166913 
cumulative_hitratio : 0.58 
cumulative_inserts : 4423141 
cumulative_evictions : 3714653

name:    fieldValueCache  
class:   org.apache.solr.search.FastLRUCache  
version:         1.0  
description:     Concurrent LRU Cache(maxSize=280, initialSize=280, 
minSize=252, acceptableSize=266, cleanupThread=false, autowarmCount=6, 
stats:  lookups : 1725 
hits : 1481 
hitratio : 0.85 
inserts : 122 
evictions : 0 
size : 128 
warmupTime : 4426 
cumulative_lookups : 3449712 
cumulative_hits : 3281805 
cumulative_hitratio : 0.95 
cumulative_inserts : 83261 
cumulative_evictions : 3479

name:    filterCache  
class:   org.apache.solr.search.FastLRUCache  
version:         1.0  
description:     Concurrent LRU Cache(maxSize=248, initialSize=12, minSize=223, 
acceptableSize=235, cleanupThread=false, autowarmCount=10, 
stats:  lookups : 3990 
hits : 3831 
hitratio : 0.96 
inserts : 239 
evictions : 26 
size : 244 
warmupTime : 1 
cumulative_lookups : 5745011 
cumulative_hits : 5496150 
cumulative_hitratio : 0.95 
cumulative_inserts : 351485 
cumulative_evictions : 276308

-----Original Message-----
From: Otis Gospodnetic [mailto:otis.gospodne...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 5:52 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: yet another optimize question

Hi Robi,

I'm going to guess you are seeing smaller heap also simply because you 
restarted the JVM recently (hm, you don't say you restarted, maybe I'm making 
this up). If you are indeed indexing continuously then you shouldn't optimize. 
Lucene will merge segments itself. Lower mergeFactor will force it to do it 
more often (it means slower indexing, bigger IO hit when segments are merged, 
more per-segment data that Lucene/Solr need to read from the segment for 
faceting and such, etc.) so maybe you shouldn't mess with that.  Do you know 
what your caches are like in terms of size, hit %, evictions?  We've recently 
seen people set those to a few hundred K or even higher, which can eat a lot of 
heap.  We have had luck with G1 recently, too.
Maybe you can run jstat and see which of the memory pools get filled up and 
change/increase appropriate JVM param based on that?  How many fields do you 
index, facet, or group on?

Performance Monitoring - http://sematext.com/spm/index.html
Solr & ElasticSearch Support -- http://sematext.com/

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Petersen, Robert 
<robert.peter...@mail.rakuten.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We're on solr 3.6.1 and I've read the discussions about whether to optimize 
> or not to optimize.  I decided to try not optimizing our index as was 
> recommended.  We have a little over 15 million docs in our biggest index and 
> a 32gb heap for our jvm.  So without the optimizes the index folder seemed to 
> grow in size and quantity of files.  There seemed to be an upper limit but 
> eventually it hit 300 files consuming 26gb of space and that seemed to push 
> our slave farm over the edge and we started getting the dreaded OOMs.  We 
> have continuous indexing activity, so I stopped the indexer and manually ran 
> an optimize which made the index become 9 files consuming 15gb of space and 
> our slave farm started having acceptable memory usage.  Our merge factor is 
> 10, we're on java 7.  Before optimizing, I tried on one slave machine to go 
> with the latest JVM and tried switching from the CMS GC to the G1GC but it 
> hit OOM condition even faster.  So it seems like I have to continue to 
> schedule a regular optimize.  Right now it has been a couple of days since 
> running the optimize and the index is slowly growing bigger, now up to a bit 
> over 19gb.  What do you guys think?  Did I miss something that would make us 
> able to run without doing an optimize?
> Robert (Robi) Petersen
> Senior Software Engineer
> Search Department

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