On 10/16/2013 4:51 AM, Chris wrote:
> Also, is there any easy way upgrading to 4.5 without having to change most
> of my plugins & configuration files?

Upgrading is something that should be done carefully.  If you can, it's
always recommended that you try it out on dev hardware with your real
index data beforehand, so you can deal with any problems that arise
without causing problems for your production cluster.  Upgrading
SolrCloud is particularly tricky, because for a while you will be
running different versions on different machines in your cluster.

If you're using your own custom software to go with Solr, or you're
using third-party plugins that aren't included in the Solr download,
upgrading might take more effort than usual.  Also, if you are doing
anything in your config/schema that changes the format of the Lucene
index, you may find that it can't be upgraded without completely
rebuilding the index.  Examples of this are changing the postings format
or docValues format.  This is a very nasty complication with SolrCloud,
because those configurations affect the entire cluster.  In that case,
the whole index may need to be rebuilt without custom formats before
upgrading is attempted.

If you don't have any of the complications mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, upgrading is usually a very simple process:

*) Shut down Solr.
*) Delete the extracted WAR file directory.
*) Replace solr.war with the new war from dist/ in the download.
**) Usually it must actually be named solr.war, which means renaming it.
*) Delete and replace other jars copied from the download.
*) Change luceneMatchVersion in all solrconfig.xml files. **
*) Start Solr back up.

** With SolrCloud, you can't actually change the luceneMatchVersion
until all of your servers have been upgraded.

A full reindex is strongly recommended.  With SolrCloud, it normally
needs to wait until all servers are upgraded.  In situations where it
won't work at all without a reindex, upgrading SolrCloud can be very

It's strongly recommended that you look over CHANGES.txt and compare the
new example config/schema with the example from the old version, to see
if there are any changes that you might want to incorporate into your
own config.  As with luceneMatchVersion, if you're running SolrCloud,
those changes might need to wait until you're fully upgraded.

Side note: When upgrading to a new minor version, config changes aren't
normally required.  They will usually be required when upgrading major
versions, such as 3.x to 4.x.

If you *do* have custom plugins that aren't included in the Solr
download, you may have to recompile them for the new version, or wait
for the vendor to create a new version before you upgrade.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, but a lot of the rest of it depends
greatly on your configurations.


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