Hi Shawn,
It just slipped my mind to mention the details of my solr version. Good point 
and thought from your side. Thanks for checking back my emails. 

I am currently using SOLR4.3 but not SOLR CLOUD. WE have a technical 
documentation site which keeps changing with some new files and some deleted 
files. We use nutch to crawl for now, so this question where I want to swap the 
cores in run time when the new index is available. 

I will look into the link Otis sent me and will read the second paragraph. Till 
then please wait for my questions if I have any :-)
On Nov 20, 2013, at 12:12 PM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 11/19/2013 10:18 PM, Tirthankar Chatterjee wrote:
>> I have a site that I crawl and host the index. The web site has changes 
>> every month which requires it to re-crawl. Now there is a new SOLR index 
>> that is created. How effectively can I swap the previous one with the new 
>> one with minimal downtime for search. 
>> We have tried swapping the core but once due to any reason tomcat is 
>> restarted the temp core data is gone after the restart. Is there a way we 
>> dont lose the new index after the swap.
> The reply you received from Otis assumes that you're using SolrCloud.  I
> looked back at previous messages that you have sent to the list, where
> you were using version 3.6, but that was over a year ago, so I don't
> know whether you've upgraded to 4.x yet, and I don't know if you've gone
> with SolrCloud.
> If you are not using SolrCloud, then you can do core swapping, and the
> next paragraph will apply.  If you are using SolrCloud, then you can't;
> you must use collection aliasing.
> Do you have persistent set to true in your solr.xml?  This is required
> for core swapping to work properly through restarts.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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