On 09 Dec 2013, at 17:20 , neerajp <neeraj_star2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> 2) Your binary content is encoded in some way inside XML, right? Not just 
> random binary, which would make it invalid XML? Like base64 or something? 
> [Neeraj]: I want to use random binary(*not base64 encoded*) in some of the
> XML fields inside CDATA tag so that XML will not become invalid. I hope I
> can do this. 

You can't – there are binary values that are simply not acceptable in an XML 
stream. Encoding the binary is the canonical way around this.

That said, the obvious alternative is to use /update/extract instead of /update 
– this gives you a way of handling up to one binary stream in addition to any 
number of fields that can be represented as text. In that case, you need to 
construct a POST request that sends the binary content as a file stream, and 
the other parameters as ordinary form data (actually, it may be possible to 
send some/all of the other fields as url parameters, but that does not really 
simplify things).

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