So, everybody so far is exposing Solr directly to the web, but with
proxy/rewriting. Which means the html/JS libraries are Solr
query-format aware as well?

Is anybody using Solr clients (SolrNet, SolrJ) as a base?

Personal website:
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all
at once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Artem Karpenko <> wrote:
> Hello. Not really middle-ware but might be of interest concerning possible
> ways implementing security.
> We use custom built Solr with web.xml including Spring Security filter and
> appropriate infrastructure classes for authentication added as a dependency
> into project. We pass token from frontend in each request. If it's accepted
> in security filter then later user role (identified from token) is used in
> custom request handler that modifies query according to role permissions.
> Regards,
> Artem.
> 21.01.2014 15:08, Markus Jelsma пишет:
>> Hi - We use Nginx to expose the index to the internet. It comes down to
>> putting some limitations on input parameters and on-the-fly rewrite of
>> queries using embedded Perl scripting. Limitations and rewrites are usually
>> just a bunch of regular expressions, so it is not that hard.
>> Cheers
>> Markus
>>     -----Original message-----
>>> From:Alexandre Rafalovitch <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday 21st January 2014 14:01
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Solr middle-ware?
>>> Hello,
>>> All the Solr documents talk about not running Solr directly to the
>>> cloud. But I see people keep asking for a thin secure layer in front
>>> of Solr they can talk from JavaScript to, perhaps with some basic
>>> extension options.
>>> Has anybody actually written one? Open source or in a community part
>>> of larger project? I would love to be able to point people at
>>> something.
>>> Is there something particularly difficult about writing one? Does
>>> anybody has a story of aborted attempt or mid-point reversal? I would
>>> like to know.
>>> Regards,
>>>     Alex.
>>> P.s. Personal context: I am thinking of doing a series of lightweight
>>> examples of how to use Solr. Like I did for a book, but with a bit
>>> more depth and something that can actually be exposed to the live web
>>> with live data. I don't want to reinvent the wheel of the thin Solr
>>> middleware.
>>> P.p.s. Though I keep thinking that Dart could make an interesting
>>> option for the middleware as it could have the same codebase on the
>>> server and in the client. Like NodeJS, but with saner syntax.....
>>> Personal website:
>>> LinkedIn:
>>> - Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all
>>> at once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD
>>> book)

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