
I'm using block join to store nested documents with a huge number of children.
I want to update some fields in the parent document using atomic updates, because I don't want to re-index all the child documents again.

So, as far as I understood atomic updates, solr is reindexing the whole document after I perform an update of a field - so all fields (except of copyField targets) have to be stored=true. So all of my parent- and child-documents are stored=true, but it seems, that solr is not reindexing the whole block after an atomic update, only the parent document which contains the updated field. So when I perform a {!parent ...} query on the child documents of an updated parent document, I don't get a result anymore.

Is there any workaround to perform atomic updates on blocks or do I have to re-index the parent document and all its children always again if I want to update a field?


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