
It sounds like you need to switch to query time join.
15.02.2014 21:57 пользователь <m...@preselect-media.com> написал:

> Any suggestions?
> Zitat von m...@preselect-media.com:
>  Yonik Seeley <yo...@heliosearch.com>:
>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:25 AM,  <m...@preselect-media.com> wrote:
>>>> Is there any workaround to perform atomic updates on blocks or do I
>>>> have to
>>>> re-index the parent document and all its children always again if I
>>>> want to
>>>> update a field?
>>> The latter, unfortunately.
>> Is there any plan to change this behavior in near future?
>> So, I'm thinking of alternatives without loosing the benefit of block
>> join.
>> I try to explain an idea I just thought about:
>> Let's say I have a parent document A with a number of fields I want to
>> update regularly and a number of child documents AC_1 ... AC_n which are
>> only indexed once and aren't going to change anymore.
>> So, if I index A and AC_* in a block and I update A, the block is gone.
>> But if I create an additional document AF which only contains something
>> like an foreign key to A and indexing AF + AC_* as a block (not A + AC_*
>> anymore), could I perform a {!parent ... } query on AF + AC_* and make an
>> join from the results to get A?
>> Does this makes any sense and is it even possible? ;-)
>> And if it's possible, how can I do it?
>> Thanks,
>> - Moritz

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