Am 27.02.2014 08:04, schrieb Shawn Heisey:
On 2/26/2014 11:22 PM, Thomas Scheffler wrote:
I am one developer of a repository framework. We rely on the fact, that
"SolrJ generally maintains backwards compatibility, so you can use a
newer SolrJ with an older Solr, or an older SolrJ with a newer Solr." [1]

This statement is not even true for bugfix releases like 4.6.0 -> 4.6.1.
(SOLRJ 4.6.1, SOLR 4.6.0)

We use SolrInputDocument from SOLRJ to index our documents (javabin).
But as framework developer we are not in a role to force our users to
update their SOLR server such often. Instead with every new version we
want to update just the SOLRJ library we ship with to enable latest
features, if the user wishes.

When I send a query to a request handler I can attach a "version"
parameter to tell SOLR which version of the response format I expect.

Is there such a configuration when indexing SolrInputDocuments? I did
not find it so far.

What problems have you seen with mixing 4.6.0 and 4.6.1?  It's possible
that I'm completely ignorant here, but I have not heard of any.

Actually bug reports arrive me that sound like

"Unknown type 19"

I am currently not able to reproduce it myself with server version 4.5.0, 4.5.1 and 4.6.0 when using solrj 4.6.1

It sounds to be the same issue like described here:

The solution there was to upgrade the Server to version 4.6.1.

This helped here, too. Out there it is a very unpopular decision. Some user have large SOLR installs and stick to a certain (4.x) version. They want upgrades from us but upgrading company-wide SOLR installations is out of their scope.

Is that a known SOLRJ issue that is fixed in version 4.7.0?

kind regards,


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